STAT292 R Shiny Final Project
Project information
- Category: R Shiny App
- Client: Course Project
- Project date: 9 April, 2023
- Project URL: Github
Skills and Insights Gained
In this project, my team and I focused on leveraging key features of the R Shiny framework to create a comprehensive application for analyzing COVID-19 data. We selected a detailed and up-to-date dataset to provide valuable insights for data scientists. The app is divided into four main sections:
- A Description section offering an overview of the dataset,
- A Map that visualizes the geographic spread of the data,
- A Regression Model where users can interact with variables and view real-time graphical outputs, and
- A Time Series Model that provides future projections based on the data.
The application allows data scientists to explore the dataset interactively and gain actionable insights quickly. The app is available for demonstration via the link in my GitHub profile.